Designers are NOT Engineers, and not every Engineer knows Plastic Part Injection Molding. The disconnect between outsourced design and your manufacturing company can lead to extended development times. This means more lost time and money for you. By utilizing our product engineering company, you can be sure of a smooth development process from start to finish.
Product Engineering Company
Plastimold Engineers are involved from the start of every product we design. They know how it will be made, what materials it should be made with and what physical properties it should have to be successful. We specialize in product design.
Electronics Engineering
Hardware, Firmware, Testing; our team of electrical, software and QA engineers can handle it all. We will source, design, assembly and test to ensure you get the best out of your product.
App Design
Does your product include an iOS or Android app? Do you need a web site? Software quality can make or break a product. Our experienced Software Engineers build applications that are bug free.
Injection Mold Design and Engineering
With over 22 years experience in plastic injection mold design services and plastic part design for manufacturing, our engineers have specialized knowledge of mold design and the injection molding process. Without this knowledge, your parts run the risk of cosmetic defects and even failure.
We make lots of stuff, so we know lots of stuff.
Our engineers deal with new products, features, materials and demands every day. They have seen it all and carry that ever-expanding knowledge onto you and your product.
Software Engineering
The software development team at Plastimold designs software for your product from end to end: firmware, cloud services, database systems, web applications, mobile applications and manufacture and QA test systems. We use modern and proven technologies such as AWS IoT, Python/Django, React and React Native. We’ve built firmware for MCUs from many popular vendors including TI, Atmel/Microchip, ST Micro, Nordic and Espressif and worked with module makers Quectel, ublox and Telit.
Hardware Engineering
Plastimold provides full PCB schematic capture and layout services. Our engineers are experts in analog and digital electronics, power systems, long-life battery, RF, communication interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART, USB, I2S and CAN, LED lighting, cellular and other wireless networking, microcontrollers and microprocessors, RAM, flash, SD and sensors.
Mechanical Engineering
The structural integrity of your part and how that part will be produced define the final quality of the part your customers receive. We've gained this knowledge from producing hundreds of products and millions of parts. We also take pride in making happy customers. Let us show you what we can do for you.
Finite Element Analysis
Flow, Structural and Cooling analysis are all of key importance when producing a high-quality injection-molded plastic part. Plastimold's Engineering Team has the knowledge to produce the highest quality parts every time.
We work with leading technology providers
From basic feature functionality through manufacture and compliance, selecting the right components for your design can make or break a product's success. That's why we only work with high-quality technology suppliers that provide design support and technical reviews that ensure you're getting the most out of every part in your product.

Read About The Next Step... Manufacturing
You've made it through the development process! Now it's time to get your mold designed and produced so we can manufacture parts for you.
Quality Matters
Our quality program was developed and implemented by some of the most prestigious Quality Management personnel in the world! It is what makes our product engineering company the best in the world. Plastimold is a registered AS9100:2016 and ISO9001:2015 certified manufacture of injection molded components and mold making. Our documentation process ensures every detail, part callout, marking, and packaging requirement is met.
Read About the Next Step... Prototyping
Now that you have your product design, you need to produce small quantities to use for beta testing, trade shows, fundraising and more. Find out how Plastimold can help you prototype your product.