Injection Mold Making

How we build our injection molds

The Mold Making portion of your project will be the most expensive and have the longest lead time. At Plastimold, we incorporate innovative mold solutions that allow us to build prototype and production tools in less time than the industry average. We use the highest quality mold components from industry leading suppliers. By using advanced software, we can detect any problems that will occur during the injection stage, and our engineers can make necessary adjustments to the tooling design, to eliminate any potential problems.

injection mold making

Low cost mold manufacturing

Plastimold is a plastic mold maker and offers a lower cost tooling option for molds that meet specific criteria. Our designers have worked closely with our overseas molding partners for over 15 years. They comply with our mold making process and uphold themselves to the same ISO quality standards. All molds produced overseas are covered by the same lifetime mold guarantee as our domestic tooling.  Once your mold is complete, it's prepared for shipment and sent to our facility in Delray Beach, FL for production. Plastimold manufactures 100% of our plastic parts in the USA. Learn why we're the Right Choice.

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Why is injection molding tooling cost so expensive?

We can build your mold to produce millions of parts or thousands of parts,... each tool is different and dependent on its intended use. Is it built for production or prototype? Many variables impact the cost of a mold:

  • Material — Although the part may be small, the mold is large and heavy. Molds can weigh 300-500 lbs and even thousands of pounds. This mass of metal is expensive. The mold base and core/cavity material will be selected based upon your application. It can range from soft Aluminum to hardened Stainless Steel. Generally, aluminum tooling is not a prefered material since it can often cost the customer more money in the long run. We build the best injection molds from quality materials. At Plastimold Products, we have molds that have been in production for decades.
  • Number of cavities — We try and maximize the number of cavities in the mold to maintain the highest level of productivity. Depending on your volume, you may need a high cavity tool. One cavity yields one part each time the mold cycles. More cavities will yield more parts per cycle and a lower cost per part. We also offer family tools. These tools can manufacture dissimilar parts in the same mold. This saves money since you only need to buy one mold base.
  • CNC Machining — Every mold is a custom design. Machining the core/cavity, EDM features, cooling lines, ejector pins and system, etc. must precise and within tolerance. Plastimold continues to test and plans on investing in technology such as 3D printing metal parts. This will help reduce mold production times and help bring cost of manufacturing down.
  • Part features — Features such as undercuts will require slides or lifters will increase the cost of a tool. We try and avoid these during the product design phase, but features such as undercuts for snaps are sometimes unavoidable. Part surface finish also plays a role in cost and lead time. Plastimold offers hundreds of part texture options. Browse through our texture book and select the perfect texture for your project. (pic of camera dock texture)

 Injection Mold Making relies on quality parts run from a quality tool. Bad tools make bad parts with flash and blemishes that other molders will attempt to hide. Plastimold management will work with you every step of the way to ensure your tool is completed on-time and with zero defects.

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